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What Workouts Can I Get With The StairMaster Gauntlet?

If you’re looking to get fit and healthy, performing a few exercise routines might be just what you need. With a wide range of workouts available, you can choose the right routine and get started as soon as possible. 

However, not every workout routine will work for every person, which means that you need the right workout companion and routine in order to maximize your exercise.  If you’re a newcomer, you might need to start slow and basic in order to get your body ready for the intensity. If you’re more experienced, you might want a more complex routine that will make you work harder. 

If you’re looking for a workout companion that can provide you with a varied set of routines, the StairMaster Gauntlet is the best exercise solution.


Best StairMaster Gauntlet Workouts


While performing the same set of exercise routines can help your body gain strength and stamina, you need to diversify your workout in order to challenge your body as it improves. StairMaster 8 series Gauntlet is a machine that offers you this kind of versatility, enabling you to choose different workout options that will push you to greater heights.

With that in mind, here are the workouts you can get using the StairMaster Gauntlet:

Fat and Calorie Burner

To start with, the StairMaster Gauntlet also has Fat and Calorie Burner workouts. Most stepper exercises are done to burn away fat and calories to develop muscles, and these sets of workouts are efficient and effective at achieving that goal.

Fat and Calorie Burner workouts offer a set of exercise routines you need to follow, ranging from basic to high intensity steps. If you’re looking to kick-start your exercise routines and get fit, this is the best workout program to help you learn the ropes. Later on, you can adjust the routines to  provide the ideal intensity for you. 


Fitness Tests

Sometimes, you would like to get to know more information about your performance after each workout. This will help you know if you are improving after each session, and reaching your fitness goals. This is where fitness tests come in, which is something that StairMaster Gauntlet has to offer.


Multi-Stage Fitness Test

The first test you can choose is the Multi-Stage Fitness Test. This is a series of challenges and routines that would evaluate your performance. This is a standard test that gives you crucial data on how you can improve and push harder in your workouts. This is effective for people who regularly workout, helping them see if they need to change their routine up.


Candidate Physical Ability Test

The next test is the Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT), which is an assessment program that evaluates an individual’s ability to handle becoming a firefighter. Being a firefighter is one of the most mentally and physically demanding professions out there, and this test will push you to your limits.


Wellness/Fitness Initiative Test

The third test that you can perform in the StairMaster Gauntlet is the Wellness/Fitness Initiative Test (WFI) Test, which is an assessment program for emergency responders.

Like the CPAT Test, this will evaluate whether or not your performance is fit for you to become an emergency responder, which is another physically demanding profession. 

An exercise machine is supposed to help you push your physical limits, and these tests will surely help you achieve that goal. These are some of the most intense physical tests available, making them a great way to assess your physical ability.


Beast Spartan Race Training Program

Arguably one of the most physically intense events anywhere in the world, the Spartan Race is a challenge that pushes you to your very limits, making you perform a series of increasingly difficult tasks of overcoming one obstacle after another. 

It is an excellent display of athletic ability and mental resolve, and you can replicate some parts of this challenging routine using the StairMaster machine.

The Beast Spartan Race Training Program offers a series of workout routines that will help you meet the physical requirements of the race. That means increasing elevation to handle steep climbs, including the signature trifecta of events such as the Sprint, Super and Beast.

Each stage is vigorous throughout, and helps develop your mental grit, endurance, and strength. By the end of your workout, you will surely feel the intensity that each athlete goes through in every Spartan Race. 

If you’re looking for the most extreme workout available, the Beast Spartan Race Training program will help you push past your limits.


Landmark Challenge Program

If you’re looking for a more entertaining and unique challenge during your workout, then the Landmark Challenge program might be something you’d want to try out.

This workout program has you climbing across different landmarks all over the world, from the beautiful Eiffel Tower, the captivating Taj Mahal, to the iconic Statue of Liberty, you have a selection of interesting locations where you can test your fitness. 

This is not only a workout that will push you, but it also provides an entertaining twist that keeps each routine fresh and fun. Workouts can get repetitive and boring over time, but by doing the Landmark Challenge, each session can provide a different experience that keeps you looking forward to the next one.


Multiple Workouts, One Machine

If you’re looking to upgrade your workout and take it to the next level, then you’ll want to find a StairMaster for sale.

With a wide range of features that offer different kinds of challenges and tests, you are sure that your workout experience is always new and unique. From beginner-level workouts that will help get you started on your fitness journey, to complex programs that push your body to new limits, the StairMaster Gauntlet is the workout companion you need. 

Finding the right workout companion can be hard, but the StairMaster Gauntlet provides you with so much versatility and quality that it makes it a must-buy. 

To find a StairMaster Gauntlet for sale, visit the Primo Fitness USA website today!